
Swansea Council’s Pension Fund Committee politely stonewalled Climate Change protesters

Swansea Council’s Pension Fund Committee politely stonewalled Climate Change protesters at their meeting on Thursday (12/09/2022). When a campaigner raised his hand to query slow progress in divesting from big oil, mining and tobacco, the verdict was ‘No questions,’ The Pension meeting was chaired by Swansea deputy leader Clive Lloyd who had claimed in letter […]


Swansea Council Pension Fund must divest from fossil fuels, tobacco and mining ASAP.

Sent to all Councillors in Swansea today.. Dear Councillor, please see the attached extract from the ANNUAL REPORT & STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS 2017/2018: (PAGE 109) CLICK HERE We’d be interested to know if you were already aware of this? And would you support a motion to move to ethical investments? We sincerely hope you will […]


XR Swansea @ Green Man Festival 2019

Wednesday – Here we are at the Green Man Festival in Brecon, South Wales representing Extinction Rebellion. Lots of hanging around yesterday waiting for the crew to sort out where we are camping for the week. Eventually we set up in the corner of a lovely quiet, lush green field. Maddy’s motor home, Jenny and […]


Council backs People’s & Youth Assemblies on the Climate & Ecological Emergency

A Swansea People’s Assembly at the Guildhall, why not? The idea was put forward by climate change demonstrators, aka Extinction Rebellion XR, in discussion with Swansea councillors on the Guildhall steps last Thursday. Council leader Rob Stewart’s response was simply ‘Yes, we can do that! We’re really keen to see more people involved in decision […]


Interview for Swansea Sound / The Wave with Cait Mathews

Tell us a little about yourself I’m Cait Mathew representing Extinction Rebellion Swansea​. I’m a Human Rights student in London and I live in Swansea outside of term time. Why are you protesting outside Swansea’s Guildhall? Climate change is a real threat to the world we live in. The planet is warming up faster than […]


Lobbying Swansea Council Pension Fund Board

Today we lobbied Swansea Council Pension Fund Board to encourage them to put pressure on the Pension Fund Committee to divest their funds far more quickly from fossil fuels. They have written a Responsible Investment Policy that measures the carbon footprints of all the investments in their portfolio and also committed funds to investments following […]


We call for 100% Divestment of Pension Funds within 12 months.

Dear Swansea Council Pension Fund Member/Contributor, Extinction Rebellion congratulate Swansea Council on recently declaring a Climate Emergency.  However, the investment banks, asset managers and hedge funds Swansea Council use to invest your pension in, also fund fossil fuel projects, and some of these investment vehicles are the worst offenders in funding fossil fuel projects.  They […]


One Planet Swansea

EXTRACT – In a nutshell: Capacity building to determine which version of a given budget proposal contributes the most – or detracts from – the goal of making Swansea become more regenerative and resilient. A framework for working over time so that all activities over which Swansea has power & influence combine together to reduce […]


Divestment with Swansea Council’s Pension Fund Committee

Swansea Council’s Pension Fund Committee may not agree to remove fossil fuel investment banks from their portfolio because these investment banks offer good returns. One of the investment banks they use is JP Morgan and Aberdeen Asset Management. However, by the time our current council employees retire, fossil fuel investment may have dried up due […]